Course image Welcome to RBTC Hybrid!
RBTC Hybrid
Welcome dear Student in the Online Portal for the RBTC Hybrid Campus! In the portal you find all the documents for the courses (course overviews, handouts, names of the required reading, videos of the subject, test questions). Also further information about the In-Person Meetings per quarter and the practicum.
Course image Q1 In-Person Meeting
RBTC Hybrid
In-Person Meeting of RBTC Hybrid in Q1 incl. subjects RH, BY, HC. Access to subjects in separat courses. With payment of the course fee (Paypal or bank transfer) you register to the In-Person Meeting. Payment includes the above mentioned subjects.
Course image Q2 In-Person Meeting
RBTC Hybrid
In-Person Meeting of RBTC Hybrid in Q2 incl. subjects RR #1. Access to subject in separat courses. With payment of the course fee (Paypal or bank transfer) you register to the In-Person Meeting. Payment includes the above mentioned subjects.
Course image Q3 In-Person Meeting
RBTC Hybrid
In-Person Meeting of RBTC Hybrid in Q3 incl. subjects RR #2. Access to subject in separat courses. With payment of the course fee (Paypal or bank transfer) you register to the In-Person Meeting. Payment includes the above mentioned subject.
Course image Q4 In-Person Meeting
RBTC Hybrid
In-Person Meeting of RBTC Hybrid in Q4 incl. subjects PM. Access to subject in separat courses. With payment of the course fee (Paypal or bank transfer) you register to the In-Person Meeting. Payment includes the above mentioned subject.
Course image 02 BY - Bibliology
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: Q1 In-Person Meeting
Helps the student to develop greater confidence in the integrity of the Bible. This is accomplished by examining proofs of the Bible’s divine origin, the reliability of a translation, and the transmission of biblical manuscripts from the original text to the present.
Course image 03 HC - History of the Christian Church
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: Q1 In-Person Meeting
We will look at important events and people during the different periods of church history.
Course image 05 FF - Faith Foundations
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: Welcome to RBTC Hybrid!
What is faith? How does faith come? How do we activate faith? How do I use the shield of faith?
Course image 06 AG - Aspects of Grace
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: 05 FF - Faith Foundations
The meaning, usage and effects of the different aspects of the grace of God in the life of the believer.
Course image 07 IT - Introduction to Theology
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: 06 AG - Aspects of Grace
The most important foundational truths and doctrines of Christian beliefs are defined and clarified.
Course image 08 SG - Principles of Spiritual Formation
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: 07 IT - Introduction to Theology
The necessity of spiritual growth as a foundation for being able to fulfill the will of God.
Course image 09 OL - Old Testament Literature
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: 08 SG - Principles of Spiritual Formation
The general foundation, message and historical events of the Old Testament will be covered, as well as a look at the lives of various Old Testament saints.
Course image 10 TR - Paul’s Theology of Righteousness
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: 09 OL - Old Testament Literature
A practical study of the subject of "righteousness by faith" versus "righteousness by works".
Course image 11 AB - Authority of the Believer 1
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: 10 TR - Paul’s Theology of Righteousness
What is authority? When and how do we obtain authority? What authority did we get from God and how do we exercise it? These questions and more are covered in this course.
Course image 12 BR - Bible Research and Study Methods
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: 11 AB - Authority of the Believer 1
Learn about the different methods of Bible study (e.g. word study, character study, topic study and scripture study).
Course image 13 EV - Introduction to Evangelism
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: 12 BR - Bible Research and Study Methods
A general overview of evangelism in the Bible, the motivation for evangelism and its different forms that are found in the Bible.
Course image 14 BC - Blood Covenant
RBTC Hybrid
After completing course: 13 EV - Introduction to Evangelism
To introduce the biblical importance of the blood covenant and to create an awareness of its principles, application, and influence on the participants.